Paths of art

Ep10: The man with the camera! With Rainer Hosch

Episode Summary

About NFT, 52icons, moving to the US and finding a new home in the metaverse!

Episode Notes

Rainer Hosch started his own NFT journey by collecting digital art. He found this new change while the pandemic and after the Instagram problem. It became an advertising vehicle, when Facebook bought it.  Not an easy time for photographers like Rainer. The NFT world is a big opportunity to do something new without any control. His genesis project 52icons is filled with 52 of the most interesting and fascinating personalities which he photographed over the last 52 years. And it all started with his father. An amazing project and an amazing artist. The metaverse, he says, is just a new home for his work. What a great talk Rainer - enjoy :)

More about Rainer Hosch:
Twitter: rainerhosch
NFT: 52icons

Because creatives create value!
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